Tags search : Wine bar

Search for "Wine bar" returned 3 matches

Restaurants > Le Dauphin

Address : 131, avenue Parmentier
Opening hours : From 11am to 2 pm and from 7pm to 11pm - Closed saturday for lunch, Sunday and Monday.
Phone : 01 55 28 78 88
Metro/Bus : Goncourt

After the famous Le Chateaubriand (next door) - Inaki Aizpitarte and Fred Peneau opened by the end of 2010 the “Le Dauphin” a tapas bar decorated with white marble by Rem Koolhaas (Pritzker 2000) and Clément Blanchet...

Restaurants > Les Papilles

Address : 30, rue Gay Lussac
Opening hours : Monday to Saturday from 10:30am till midnight
Phone : 01 43 25 20 79
Metro/Bus : Place Monge

Les Papilles. If you want to find a coffee bar and wine bar in Paris, Les Papilles will meet all your expectations...

Restaurants > Le Rubis

Address : 10 rue Marché St-Honoré
Opening hours : Open from noon to 10:30pm, closed Saturday evening and Sunday
Phone : +33 (0)1 42 61 03 34
Metro/Bus : Tuileries

Le Rubis is the best know wine bar in Paris, offering an extensive wine list centred mainly on the Beaujolais and Loire wines...